Wednesday 13 August 2008

life of pasta

i was just wondering what would happen if you ate nothing but pasta for every meal. I eat it alot now although i used to have it like i do spag bolognese. Far too bland. But when trying to put on a bit weight i decided to get hooked on pasta. However i can't eat it on it's own. Has to be with tuna and salad cream or somethin like that. Anyway it's worked so far for putting the weight on but thats only about 3 times a week. If going to the gym and eating that can increase me by 2 stone in about 5 months i wonder if i ate more would i rocket up a few more stone in the same amount of time. I may try it room. I'll let you know what happens.

1 comment:

Jammy said...

looks like i can't carry out this exercise as i'm working on a different shift this week and only eat pasta on alternate weeks.