Thursday, 18 October 2007


Some interesting theories i've been hearing recently about life. one is u only get so many heartbeats in ur life. so one person i know takes it slow, everywhere he goes. eats slow, walks slow. talk slow. pretends he cant hear u. just to keep his heartbeat counts down.
I did happen to remember a footballer who died of SDS (sudden death syndrome) it was marc viven-foe but i thought it was rigobert song, which when i told my mate he said if u ever have a kid, u have to call him rigobert.
some name lol.

todays song was mostly that one by sugar babes -cos i know how i feel about u now-
roll on.......errr.....friday? mmm...prolly not....roll on a different life.


mark and howard said...

the middle terrapin can read this too.

mark and howard said...

i was with you up until 'RIGOBERT SONG' , and then i got seriously lost in thought. did you build a trip-switch into your blog so that people suddenly find themselves lost in thought? which is very clever.

Jammy said...

hahaha the mystery trigger