Monday, 29 October 2007

I'm still here, just....

ok i've been out of sorts again for a while away from home. Working away as usual again. back to reality. I've been thinking about retiring after xmas tho. so i can live the high life. i got no idea what to do for money yet. But i'll work on that. any money making ideas anyone?


mark and howard said...

if you've got long hair you could sell it?

Chart Smart said...

Nice Blog :)

mark and howard said...

i have had another idea: hardly anyone makes macaroons any more (lazy) so you could make some and take them round the doors. i would pay maybe £1 for one and some people have a lot more money than sense.

mark and howard said...

someone up our street just asks other people for money. you could try that? (on your own street though - ours is broke now.)

mark and howard said...

can you draw? you could draw £5 notes.

mark and howard said...

did i say about the hair?

mark and howard said...

another idea - do you get christmas presents? the timing is good - sell them.

mark and howard said...

tell people you only want gold for Christmas this year.

mark and howard said...

has anyone you know got very long hair that you might be able to get some off while they are sleeping and they wouldn't much notice?

mark and howard said...

what about doing a sponsored silence? i think you would be very good at that........!!!

Jammy said...

wow i never knew ppl knew this existed

Jammy said...

where am i? i was doing some sponsered silence and someone asked me if i should do one. so i had to stop it and answer. shame. it was for the bosnian farmers appeal